New to Homeschooling? Start Here!

Beginning a homeschooling journey can be overwhelming! This page is a guide to our most useful content for new homeschoolers.

Start with these posts:
Taking the Plunge – Can you homeschool? Should you homeschool?
I’ve Decided to Homeschool; Now What? – First steps for your journey.
How to Choose Curricula – Tips for wading through the sea of choices.

To hear in their own words why other Lutheran families have chosen to homeschool, check out the Our Path to Here series.

For a glimpse of how other Lutheran homeschoolers structure their days, check out our This Is How We Do It series.

For curriculum reviews, pull up a chair to our Curriculum Potluck.

For ideas, tips, and encouragement for new homeschoolers, some of our posts are tagged Getting Started.

We also index posts of Encouragement for homeschoolers in every season.

We wish you God’s blessings as you embark on this new journey with your children! Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you have!